Saturday, May 7, 2011

I didn't do anything today. I thought about doing things, and it always feels like i did something but I really didn't. I watched a bunch of movies, ate doughnuts and pop tarts all day long. And I dont regret it, but I probably will do something tomorrow, go for a walk, call a friend, build something. I really cant remember what I used to do to entertain myself before I had a computer. Do you?


  1. Cool music, I actually really enjoyed that one, thanks :-)Glad to get to know some new songs

  2. It is sad, but I have to admit: I feel the same. Except my 3 exams I have to currently study for all I do all day long is sitting in front of my computer watching movies, looking at random pictures and having the tv run right next to me. Actually writing about it just is depressing! We should probably make a list of things one can do instead of sitting in front of his/her computer that are inexpensive and still fun and maybe even productive :)
